Washington County Minibus
The Washington County Minibus is open to the public for your transportation needs.
We provide rides according to ECICOG guidelines.
Mission statement:
Washington County Mini Bus is available to provide safe, dependable transportation for all persons county wide.
Please have the following information ready when you call:
Your name and address
Name and address of destination
Date and time you wish to arrive
Any special transportation needs you have
East Central Iowa Transit: Washington County Minibus is a demand-responsive, wheelchair accessible, public transit provider throughout Washington County. Although independently operated, Minibus is one of six providers contracted by the East Central Iowa Council of Governments and organized under the East Central Iowa Transit System.
Washington County Mini Bus does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, disability, religion, color, sex or national origin. Services are open to the general public, including persons with disabilities, as required by the American's with Disability Act (ADA). For more information on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 call the US Commission on Civil Rights at (202) 376-7700 or TTY (202)376-8116.
To request additional information on Washington County Mini Bus's non-discrimination obligations or to file a Title VI complaint, please submit your request or complaint in writing to the Washington County Mini Bus Transit Manager:
In writing to 1010 W 5th St., Washington, IA 52353
By email to CGaughan@washminibus.com
By phone at 319-653-2853
Washington County Mini Bus is now hiring part-time or full-time drivers. Must have a valid Class D license or a CDL C license with passenger endorsement.